Training 7000 Bus Drivers: How Nobina Transformed Its Staff Handbook into 
Gamified Mobile Courses


Training 7000 Bus Drivers

Nobina, the Nordic region’s largest public transport operator, has over 13,000 employees spread across four countries - that’s a lot of staff to train.

We’ve worked with Nobina as their employee training partner for five years. Our shared goal has been to consistently power Nobina staff's skills, boost operational efficiency, and deliver top-tier customer service that ensures passengers are thoroughly satisfied and effectively communicated with.

Together we’ve been driving innovation forward, and we’re proud to announce our most dynamic project to date: transforming Nobina’s Employee Handbook into interactive, gamified courses to streamline employee training. The result? Nobina’s employees appreciate the new, modern form of learning!

"We chose to partner with Lingio to help us digitalise our bus driver's handbook because their vast expertise in eLearning and education perfectly complements our needs. Having collaborated with them for many years, we've built a strong foundation of trust, and they've consistently delivered impressive results for us." - Lena Haenel, Head of Training at Nobina.

Let’s learn more about the project.

Nobina: The Nordic Region’s Largest Public Transport Operator

Nobina has a strong commitment to sustainability and aims to minimise its environmental impact by investing in innovative solutions and technologies. And every day, a whopping one million people choose to travel more sustainably with Nobina. 

But it's about more than just getting people from point A to point B for Nobina. They know that their success depends on their incredible team of staff, which is why they take onboarding and training seriously. 

That's where Lingio comes in. We helped Nobina fast-track and accelerate its training strategy, making learning engaging, measurable, inclusive, and far more efficient.


Nobina’s Employee Handbook for Bus Drivers

Before teaming up with Lingio, Nobina relied on a printed handbook to onboard and train their staff. 

Let's face it - it's much more interesting to learn when the material is customised and easily accessible to everyone. In addition, we had difficulty determining whether our employees actually read and understood all the information they needed.

Nobina was ready for a change. They wanted to revolutionise how their employees learned their roles and developed their skills. That’s where we came in to help Nobina transform its training content into a new, stimulating digital learning solution.

How We Implement Our Teaching Techniques

We've collaborated with real teachers and industry experts who have a deep understanding of the most effective onboarding and teaching methodologies for busy, on-the-go employees in the transport industry. This way, we've been able to design courses tailored to the specific needs and challenges of Nobina's workforce. 

Engaging Learning with Interactive Elements, Gamification, and Case Stories

Each of Nobina’s courses have been broken down into easy-to-digest, bite-sized chunks of text, and we've included interactive questions to keep things interesting. To really get people thinking, we've formulated questions to activate their critical thinking skills. And to make learning more fun and memorable, we've gamified the experience. 

We've also made some content more engaging by using fictional micro-novels to illustrate the material and make concepts easier to understand. Instead of just telling people what to learn, we take them on a storytelling journey.

Tailored Training

​​We've broken down educational material into different courses that could be used in various situations within Nobina’s training strategy. For example, if a driver keeps hitting the sidewalk, they can take a course on improving their driving planning skills. On the other hand, newcomers can take an onboarding course to help them get familiar with the company.

Easily Accessible, Mobile-Based Training

Instead of being overwhelmed by a dense printed book, staff members can access all their training materials from their phones, laptops, tablets, or other devices.

Gone are the days of unengaging manuals that take forever to read - or, even worse, don’t get opened at all. With Lingio, Nobina's staff can access their training anytime, anywhere, on their device of choice, making the onboarding process more engaging, user-friendly, and fun.

Courses are also often shared in shared training sessions, displayed on big screens so that staff can observe the material clearly.


Trackable Progress

Training is completely trackable with the coaching portal. Managers have full visibility into who’s joined or completed the course and can easily send reminders to staff when they still have training to finish.

HR can use the reporting feature to see which employees might need a little extra support or guidance. They can provide targeted training and assistance to ensure everyone's up to speed and comfortable with the learning process.

"Ever since Lingio helped bring our eLearning vision to life, the onboarding process for our bus drivers has become incredibly smooth and streamlined. Sharing training and monitoring our staff's progress is easier than ever.” Lena told us.

In-App Translations in Over 100 Languages

Lingio's eLearning platform includes an in-app translation feature that's a breakthrough for staff members whose first language isn't the one spoken in the country where they live and work. 

The vocational words included in the platform have been quality assured by industry experts, and translations can be made in a whopping 100 languages. With one tap, employees can quickly translate unfamiliar terms and concepts directly inside the app.

“A standout feature that drew us to Lingio for this project is their brilliant language support feature so that every employee can learn in their own language. It's a game changer for our diverse team of staff, many of whom speak a different native language than the one used in their professional practice.” Lena added.

Nobina’s Drivers Love Their New eLearning Experience

Nobina's bus drivers already love this innovative approach to training. By giving them access to compelling and informative training that they can study in their own time, we're making the learning experience a whole lot easier and more enjoyable.

"Being able to sit quietly with my own mobile device and work my way through the various courses was perfect for me. During my training as a bus driver, the variation between my own studying with Lingio and the physical training with a teacher was a perfect mix.

I love that I can complete my training anywhere I like and in my own time. Plus, the multiple choice questions make learning a thousand times more interesting than just reading through loads of text.” - Bus driver at Nobina.

And from a manager's perspective, the onboarding and training process is now much more straightforward. Any updates or changes to the handbook can be made instantly, and it's easy to share the latest version with entire teams with just a few clicks.

"I have extensive experience driving buses both in London and Amsterdam. The introduction into bus driving with Nobina in Sweden was fun and easy through the digital courses in Lingio's app. I could quickly and easily understand how Nobina's values ​​play a central role in daily work. At the same time, I got a quick insight of various aspects related to day-to-day tasks.” - Bus driver at Nobina.

What’s Next with Nobina’s Partnership with Lingio?

We're proud to have contributed to Nobina’s vision of growing a workforce that’s skilled, engaged, and committed to delivering excellent customer service. Our unwavering commitment to developing innovative training solutions has played a vital role in supporting these goals. 

Together, we’ll continue to improve the skills of Nobina’s staff, drive operational efficiency, and create a high-quality customer service experience that leaves passengers feeling well served and communicated with.

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