
Welcome to our press page! Here you can discover Lingio’s latest media and digital assets. Join us as we empower and upskill billions of people worldwide!


How it all began

Lingio was founded in 2015 by three ex-colleagues from Spotify and EA Games in response to labour integration challenges in Sweden. Recognising the need to improve accessibility to learning and development in on-the-go industries, their goal was to bridge the skills gap and promote labour upskilling.


Communications Resources

If you have any questions or are working on a story about Lingio, we're here to help. Feel free to contact Maria Selting, our Marketing Director, at

To ensure you have all the necessary assets, we recommend downloading our Press Kit. There, you can find Lingio logos, product screenshots, and photos of the founders.

Our mission to upskill 2.7 billion deskless workers and strengthen labour market integration

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